An international pannel of renowed experts, namely and by order of their intervention Messrs . and Mses. Olivier Vion, In-Mo Lee, Harald Wagner, Lars Babendererde, Søren Eskesen, Bai Yun, Karin Bäppler, Alexey Bokhan , Michel Deffayet and Jean-Daniel Arnal, gave a total of 16 lectures during this two days training session.
Most of the attendees have been on a senior level from the university, clients, contractors and consultants.Very good interest has been shown, particular during discussions after individual lectures. The Dean of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction hosting the training session did show her interest for future conferences provided that it is possible to find industry sponsors.
Main topics of the seminar were:
- Conventionnal Tunnelling
- Mechanized Tunnelling in soft ground
- Support Design
- Special aspects
- Case Histories and Operation
The program of the training session is available to download >>
ITA Lecturers